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Definisi Menyimak

Definisi Menyimak
Definisi Menyimak
Di dalam Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesi (W. J. S. Poerwadarminta 1982 : 847) Menyimak adalah mendengarkan (mempertahankan apa yang diucapkan orang). Menyimak adalah latihan mendengarkan baik-baik.

Menurut Guntur Tarigan, Menyimak adalah suatu proses kegiatan mendengarkan lambang-lambang lisan dengan penuh perhatian, pemahaman, apresiasi, serta interpretasi untuk memperoleh informasi, menangkap isi atau pesan serta memahami makna komunikasi yang telah disampaikan oleh sang pembicara melalui ujaran atau bahasa lisan (1987:28).

“Menyimak adalah suatu proses yang mencakup kegiatan mendengarkan bunyi bahasa, mengidentifikasi, menginterpretasi, menilai, dan mereaksi atas makna yang terkandung di dalamnya” (Tarigan, 1991:4).

“Menyimak sebagai proses mendengarkan, mengenal, serta menginterpretasikan lambang-lambang lisan. Menyimak bermakna mendengarkan dengan penuh pemahaman dan perhatian serta apresiasi” (Anderson dalam Tarigan, 1987:28).

Menyimak pada hakikatnya adalah mendengarkan atau memahami bahan simakan. Karena itu dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa “tujuan utama menyimak adalah menangkap, memahami, atau menghayati pesan, ide, gagasan yang tersirat dalam bahan simakan” (Tarigan, 1991:4).

Menyimak menggunakan indra pendengaran, namun bukan berarti saat mendengar seseorang sudah dikatakan sedang menyimak. Sesungguhnya proses menyimak tidak sekadar mendengar, tetapi lebih dari itu, yaitu mendengar dengan memusatkan perhatian kepada objek yang disimak. Proses menyimak merupakan kegiatan mendengarkan yang disengaja dalam rangka mencapai maksud-maksud tertentu. Maksud-maksud tersebut misalnya, untuk tujuan belajar, mengapresiasi sebuah karya, mendapatkan informasi khusus, memecahkan masalah, atau untuk memahami aspekaspek sebuah bahasa.

Definisi Kurikulum

Definisi Kurikulum
Definisi Kurikulum

Istilah kurikulum pada mulanya digunakan dalam dunia olah raga pada zaman yunani kuno. Curriculum adalah bahasa yunani berasal dari kata Curir artinya pelari dan Curere artinya tempat berpacu. Curriculum artinya jarak yang harus ditempuh oleh pelari. Mengambil makna yang terkandung dari rumusan di atas, definisi kurikulum dalam pendidikan merupakan sejumlah mata pelajaran yang hrus ditempuh atau diselesaikan oleh peserta didik untuk memperoleh ijzah.

Rumusan atau batasan kurikulum itulah yang pertama kali digunakan dalam bidang pendidikan. Atas dasar batasan itu pula, sebagian besar para praktisi pendidikan sampai saat ini memandang bahwa kurikulum tidak lain sejumlah pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah. Memperhatikan batasan kurikulum di atas, tersirat dua hal pokok, (1) isi kurikulum, yang memuat sejumlah mata pelajaran, dan (2) tujuan kurikulum, yaitu untuk menguasai sejumlah mata pelajaran tersebut yang dilambangkan dengan

Beberapa Tafsiran Mengenai Istilah Kurikulum
a.Kurikulum memuat isi dan materi pelajaran.
b.Kurikulum sebagai rencana pembelajaran
c.Kurikulum sebagai pengalaman belajar

Definisi Manajemen Keuangan

Definisi Manajemen Keuangan

Definisi Manajemen Keuangan

Pengertian Manajemen Keuangan mengalami perkembangan mulai dari pengertian manajemen yang hanya mengutamakan aktivitas memperoleh dana saja sampai yang mengutamakan aktivitas memperoleh dan menggunakan dana serta pengelolaan terhadap aktiva.

Beberapa Definisi manajemen keuangan diberikan sebagai berikut:
a. Liefman: Manajemen Keuangan merupakan usaha untuk menyediakan uang dan menggunakan uang untuk mendapat atau memperoleh aktiva.
b. Suad Husnan: Manajemen Keuangan ialah manajemen terhadap fungsi-fungsi keuangan.
c. Grestenberg: how business are organized to acquire funds, how they acquire funds, how the use them and how the prof ts business are distributed.
d. James Van Horne: Manajemen Keuangan adalah segala aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan perolehan, pendanaan dan pengelolaan aktiva dengan tujuan menyeluruh.
e. Bambang Riyanto: keseluruhan aktivitas perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan us aha mendapatkan dana yang dip erlukan dengan b i aya yang minimal dan syaratsyarat yang paling menguntungkan beserta usaha untuk menggunakan dana tersebut seefisien mungkin.

Dari Pengertian Manajemen Keuangan di atas, dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan bahwa manajemen keuangan berhubungan dengan tiga aktivitas (fungsi) utama:
a. Allocation of funds (aktivitas penggunaan dana) yaitu aktivitas untuk menginvestasikan dana pada berbagai aktiva. Alokasi dana berbentuk:
    * Financial assets (aktiva finansial) yaitu selembar kertas berharga yang mempunyai nilai pasar karena mempunyai hak memperoleh penghasilan, misalnya: saham, sertif~kat deposito, atau obligasi.
    * Real assets (aktiva riil) yaitu aktiva nyata: tanah, bangunan, peralatan.

b. Raising of funds (aktivitas perolehan dana) yaitu aktivitas untuk mendapatkan sumber dana balk dari sumber internal perusahaan maupun sumber eksternal perusahaan, termasuk juga politik dividen. Sumber dana pada perusahaan secara keseluruhan:

c. Manajemen assets (aktivitas pengelolaan aktiva) yaitu setelah dana diperoleh dan dialokasikan dalam bentuk aktiva-aktiva harus dikelola seefisien mungkin.

Pengertian Seni

Pengertian Seni
Pengertian Seni

Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,  Pengertian Seni, memiliki tiga arti antara lain:
a. Seni diartikan halus, kecil dan halus, tipis, lembut dan enak didengar, mungil dan elok.
b. Keahlian membuat karya bermutu (dilihat dari segi keindahan dan kehalusannya)
c. kesanggupan akal untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang bernilai tinggi

Menurut Ki Hajar Dewantara, seni merupakan perbuatan manusia yang timbul dari perasaannya dan bersifat indah sehinga dapat menggerakkan jiwanya.

Dalam bahasa Sanskerta, kata seni disebut cilpa. Sebagai kata sifat, cilpa berarti berwarna, dan kata jadiannya su-cilpa berarti dilengkapi dengan bentuk-bentuk yang indah atau dihiasi dengan indah. Sebagai kata benda ia berarti pewarnaan, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi segala macam kekriaan yang artistik. Cilpacastra yang banyak disebut-sebut dalam pelajaran sejarah kesenian, adalah buku atau pedoman bagi para cilpin, yaitu tukang, termasuk di dalamnya apa yang sekarang disebut seniman. Memang dahulu belum ada pembedaan antara seniman dan tukang. Pemahaman seni adalah yang merupakan ekspresi pribadi belum ada dan seni adalah ekspresi keindahan masyarakat yang bersifat kolektif. Yang demikian itu ternyata tidak hanya terdapat di India dan Indonesia saja, juga terdapat di Barat pada masa lampau.

Dalam bahasa Latin pada abad pertengahan, ada terdapat istilah-istilah ars, artes, dan artista. Ars adalah teknik atau craftsmanship, yaitu ketangkasan dan kemahiran dalam mengerjakan sesuatu; adapun artes berarti kelompok orang-orang yang memiliki ketangkasan atau kemahiran; dan artista adalah anggota yang ada di dalam kelompok-kelompok itu. Maka kiranya artista dapat dipersamakan dengan cilpa.

Berdasarkan penelitian para ahli menyatakan seni/karya seni sudah ada sejak 60.000 tahun yang lampau. Bukti ini terdapat pada dinding-dinding gua di Prancis Selatan. Buktinya berupa lukisan yang berupa torehan-torehan pada dinding dengan menggunakan warna yang menggambarkan kehidupan manusia purba. Artefak/bukti ini mengingatkan kita pada lukisan moderen yang penuh ekspresi. Hal ini dapat kita lihat dari kebebaan mengubah bentuk. Satu hal yang membedakan antara karya seni manusia Purba dengan manusia Moderen adalah terletak pada tujuan penciptaannya. Kalau manusia purba membuat karya seni/penanda kebudayaan pada massanya adalah semat-mata hanya untuk kepentingan Sosioreligi, atau manusia purba adalah figure yang masih terkungkung oleh kekuatan-kekuatan di sekitarnya.

Sedangkan manusia moderen membuat karya seni/penanda kebudayaan pada massanya digunakan untuk kepuasan pribadinya dan menggambarkan kondisi lingkungannya “mungkin”. Dengan kata lain manusia moderen adalah figure yang ingin menemukan hal-hal yang baru dan mempunyai cakrawala berfikir yang lebih luas. Semua bentuk kesenian paa jaman dahulu selalu ditandai dengan kesadaran magis; karena memang demikian awal kebudayaan manusia. Dari kehidupan yang sederhana yang memuja alam sampai pada kesadaran terhadap keberadaan alam.

Matius Ali dalam Estetika, Sebuah Pengantar Filsafat Keindahan, membagi seni dalam 3 kategori, yaitu:
a. Teori Mimesis yang disampaikan oleh para filsuf Yunani Kuno seperti Plato dan Aristoteles, menurut teori ini, seni adalah tiruan atau menirukan alam
b. Teori Ekspresi Seni Modern, Seni adalah ungkapan emosi atau ungkapan perasaan seniman
c. Teori Cita Rasa, seni bukanlah keindahan, tetapi merupakan pengalaman atau perasaan seseorang

Semoga Pengertian Seni di atas dapat bermanfaat buat rekan-rekan yang sedang mencarinya, terimakasih.

Cara Membuat Anak

Cara Membuat Anak
Cara membuat anak atau bagaiamana cara buat anak bagi pasangan suami istri. Karena membuat anak tidak boleh sembarangan, harus dengan tips dan triks agar kelak anak yang dihasilkan memuaskan, seperti sehat badannya, beratnya yang cukup, perempuan atau laki-laki kah, mancung hidungnya, coklat matanya, pokoknya sesuai dengan selera anda.

Syarat membuat anak tentunya kita semua sudah tahu dunks, harus sudah menikah, sudah dewasa, cukup umur, ekonomi yang mapan karena untuk memberi makan anak nantinya setelah melahirkan.

Membuat anak juga bisa dilakukan dengan proses bayi tabung, seperti contoh anaknya Mba Inul Daratista, tapi menghabiskan uang yang tidak sedikit tentunya. Nah, bagi siapa saja yang bisa membuat anak tanpa perantara teknologi, syukurilah nikmat tersebut, mungkin di luar sana, masih banyak mereka-mereka  tidak sebaik nasib yang bisa memiliki dan melahirkan anak.

Oya, ada tips berguna bagi rekan-rekan semua yang membaca artikel ini, bagaimana sih cara membuat anak dan prosesnya.

Silahkan dibaca dengan seksama:

Konsep dasar terjadinya anak (proses pembuahan) adalah bertemunya sel telur dan sel sperma. Oleh karenanya kita harus tau dulu karakteristik sel telur & sel sperma. Keduanya punya kromosom. XX untuk sel telur dan XY untuk sperma.

X sifatnya : bergerak lambat, waktu hidup lebih tahan/ tahan lama, bersifat basa,
Y sifatnya : bergerak cepat, waktu hidup sebentar/ cepat mati, bersifat asam.

Lelaki memiliki kromosom XY dengan suasana asam didalam akrosomnya (zat di ujung sperma). Sedangkan wanita mempunyai kromosom XX dengan suasana rahim adalah basa.

Jika basa + asam menyatu, yang terjadi adalah netral, artinya asam kalah, sehingga kromosom Y yang dibawa sperma akan mati.

Setelah itu yang paling penting sebenernya adalah timing masa subur, perhitungannya adalah masa subur dibagi 2 plus minus 3 hari. Misalkan dalam 30 hari, menstruasinya selama 6 hari mulai tanggal 24-30, sehingga puncak masa suburnya adalah tgl 12. Masa subur terbaik adalah tgl 9-12 dan 12-15, kenapa?? Karena pada saat itu, ovum telah melalui proses pematangan. Sebelum proses peluruhan yaitu tanggal 16 dst, sehingga jika ingin punya anak ya di tanggal-tanggal tersebut.

Cara Membuat Anak  Laki-laki

1). Y harus menang dalam pertempuran mencapai ovum, ini mutlak. sehingga, ovum harus siap terlebih dulu agar bisa ditembus oleh akrosom sperma. Dalam tempo yangg singkat pemenang adalah Y karena X  lambat.

2). Rahim harus bersuasana asam, minimal dikurangi tingkat ke-basa-annya, agar sesuai dengan sperma dan tidak membunuh kromosom Y

3). Wanita harus keluar lebih dulu/orgasme

4). Makanan yang Dikonsumsi

5). Waktu paling tepat (berdasar teori adalah tanggal 12-15) karena tanggal 12 telur sudah matang

Cara Membuat Anak Perempuan

1). X harus menang, intinya ovum jangan matang dulu, sehingga sperma harus "nunggu" diluar ovum. Selama masa menunggu yang duluan mati adalah kromosom Y, sehingga X menang.

2). Rahim suasana basa juga tidak apa, sehingga secara alami kromosom Y mati.

3. Waktunya boleh gak tepat..yaitu sebelum tgl 12, Untuk memberikan waktu ovum matang dulu..sperma  sudah  "menunggu", Y pun akan mati.

Sumber: http://rizkythea.blogspot.com/2010/05/cara-membuat-anak.html

Cara Membuat Bakso yang Enak

Membuat Bakso
Bahan :
1 kg daging sapi (bagian paha belakang)

1 butir putih telur

1 ons es serut

100 gr tepung sagu

1 1/2 sdt garam

1 sdt lada bubuk

8 buah bawang putih dihaluskan

1/2 sdt Penza (membuat kenyal)

Cara Membuat:
Campur jadi satu es dengan putih telur, garam,lada, bawang putih halus dan penza, campur rata.
Campur kedalam daging aduk-aduk sambil ditambahkan tepung sagu, lakukan hingga daging benar-benar kalis.
Bulatkan daging dengan cara : ambil daging dan letakkan dalam genggaman tangan kemudian tekan genggaman tangan hingga keluar daging dari sela ibu jari, ambil dengan sendok, masukkan ke dalam rebusan air , masak hingga bakso matang, lakukan hingga selesai.

Cara membuat Coklat

Cara membuat Coklat
Cara membuat coklat sebenarnya tidaklah sesukar yang anda fikirkan. Kalau dahulu membuat coklat amat rumit kerana ia pada awalnya bermula dengan bahan asas tepung koko dan memerlukan teknik dan peralatan yang khas.

Namun pada masa kini, membuat coklat telah dipermudahkan dengan bahan asasnya tidak lagi kita perlu menggunakan tepung koko tetapi membuat coklat boleh bermula dengan bar coklat yang telah tersedia ada dipasaran.

Membuat coklat dengan menggunakan coklat bar ini menjadikan kerja membuat coklat lebih mudah dan kita hanya memberi tumpuan kepada pencampuran coklat, pembentukan serta hiasan coklat.

Walabagaimana pun dalam usaha kita membuat coklat ini, jenis bar coklat yang sesuai perlu kita pilih bagi memastikan coklat bar yang kita gunakan dalam proses membuat coklat ini sesuai dengan resepi serta citarasa coklat yang ingin kita  buat.

Langkah awal dalam membuat coklat dengan menggunakan bar coklat adalah mencairkan bar coklat ini bagi membolehkan bahan - bahan lain dicampur dan digaul seterusnya coklat dibentuk keacuan yang sesuai. Untuk mencairkan bar coklat ini, cukup dengan kita menggunakan air panas sahaja.

Teknik dan cara mencairkan coklat boleh anda saksikan dalam video ini.

Cara Bagaimana Coklat Bar Dicairkan dengan Teknik Mudah

Tips Cara Membuat Blog Keren!

Blog Keren
Cara Membuat Blog Keren - Sebelum membahas topic ini, sebaiknya anda harus membuat sebuah blog entah itu diblogspot ataupun diwordpress. Jika anda belum memiliki blog silahkan baca tutorial membuat blog d blogspot atau jika anda ingin membuat blog di wordpress anda bisa membaca tutorial membuat blog d wordpress.

Jika sudah, yuu kita bahas bagaimana cara membuat blog yang keren!
Tampilan adalah daya tarik utama selain isi artikel dalam sebuah blog, ini adalah tips pertama bagi anda yang ingin supaya tampilan blognya lebih keren, hahhaa..

Selanjutnya, jika dianggap bermanfaat silahkan digunakan tetapi jika tidak silahkan dilewatkan. Sebenarnya ini bukan tips, tetapi nasehat (pantangan) agar blog Anda lebih maksimal.
  1. Jangan mempublikasikan gambar bugil telanjang, film porno atau video mesum
  2. Jangan membuat artikel yang bertele-tele dan ngelantur gak karuan.
  3. Jangan memasang terlalu banyak tool/widget dari pihak ketiga. Karena bikin loading situs jadi lama
  4. Jangan memberikan tampilan blog yang menyilaukan mata. Tampilan blog Gambar Hidup adalah contoh yang buruk jadi jangan ditiru!
  5. Jangan mempublikasikan artikel sebulan sekali apalagi setahun sekali. Lakukan minimal seminggu sekali, lebih maksimal lagi jika tiap hari mempublikasikan artikel baru (orisinil).
  6. Jangan melamun saja. Ayo segera menciptakan dan merawat blog yang keren
  7. Jangan menunggu saya memberikan nasehat (pantangan) berikutnya, karena saya juga sedang menunggu pantangan dari penyedia layanan blog gratis.
Just it. Smoga bermanfaat!

Cara Membuat Blog Pribadi yang Bagus dan Unik

Blog Pribadi
Sebelum membahas terlalu jauh tentang cara membuat blog pribadi, ada baiknya untuk anda membaca tutorial cara membuat blog di blogspot dan cara membuat blog di wordpress terlebih dahulu.

Sebuah blog adalah jurnal pribadi yang Anda memperbarui online
sering dan titik penulis untuk link lainnya untuk mendukung
penulis komentar. Pembaca mengirim komentar pada
entri jurnal dan ini membuat blog interaktif.
Pembaca juga dapat berlangganan blog menggunakan Really Simple
Syndication (RSS).

Lakukan brainstorming ide-ide di atas kertas. Cari topik yang menarik minat Anda
seperti karate, menari atau ikan untuk nama beberapa contoh. Sebuah
contoh niche yang baik adalah produk digital tinjauan
kamera. Sebaiknya memilih sebuah ide yang Anda sudah tahu
banyak tentang. Anda dapat menggunakan Perangkat Overture Inventory atau
Wordtracker untuk menemukan kata-kata yang mendapatkan traffic dari search
mesin dengan kompetisi sedikit atau tidak dan menulis isi
menggunakan kata kunci.

Saya menyarankan menggunakan dua jenis utama dari perangkat lunak untuk menciptakan
blog Blogger atau Wordpress. Saya sarankan Blogger jika Anda
memulai di internet karena sangat sederhana. Jika Anda
ingin lebih banyak fitur menggunakan Wordpress. Anda mungkin ingin menyewa
profesional untuk mengaturnya untuk Anda dan melakukan tata letak Anda
blog anda karena itu bisa teknis rumit untuk bekerja
dengan. Saya sarankan mendaftarkan domain Anda sendiri dan pendaftaran
untuk web hosting anda sendiri untuk mempublikasikan blog Anda. Jika Anda
memutuskan untuk memilih host blog di Blogger dan Wordpress
dan Anda bermigrasi ke domain Anda sendiri setelah Anda menjadi baik
didirikan ini akan menyebabkan Anda kehilangan mesin pencari Anda

Anda dapat menggunakan tag Technorati untuk menandai posting Anda. Hal ini akan
memungkinkan Anda untuk mendominasi percakapan niche. Anda juga dapat menggunakan
layanan sosial bookmark seperti Addme untuk menghasilkan kode untuk

install di situs web Anda yang akan memungkinkan Anda pengunjung ke
tag posting Anda sehingga membuat popularitas untuk mereka di sosial
bookmark situs dan memberikan Anda backlink.

Anda dapat menggunakan Google Adsense untuk menguangkan blog anda. Gunakan
tata letak yang berbeda untuk menguji yang menghasilkan pendapatan paling
untuk Anda. Anda juga dapat menggunakan link afiliasi yang berhubungan dengan Anda
artikel. Jika Anda menawarkan sebuah blog tentang topik yang sangat teknis
seperti kamera digital Anda juga dapat menggunakan eMiniMalls Chitika.

Anda dapat memasarkan blog anda dengan cara berikut. Kirim Anda
blog ke blog carnival. Tuan rumah blog ini karnaval
menampilkan blog yang terkait dengan niche. Anda juga akan menerima
backlink dari ini dan ini akan meningkatkan link anda
popularitas. Anda dapat menggunakan layanan seperti yang OnlyWire
membuat link pada toolbar Anda yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengirimkan
posting blog untuk beberapa situs social bookmarking sekaligus
memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan pengunjung dari website yang berbeda.
Submit blog Anda ke direktori blog yang paling populer dan
juga rss direktori.

Menguasai dasar-dasar ini dan Anda dapat membangun blog yang sukses. Jika
Anda membangun sejumlah blog Anda akhirnya bisa mengubah ini
menjadi penghasilan full time.

Cara Membuat Blog dengan Wordpress

Setelah sebelumnya kita belajar membuat blog di blogspot atau blogger, sekarang kami akan mencoba membuat tutorial cara membuat blog menggunakan wordpress.
Cara Membuat Blog WordPress
  1. Klik/buka id.wordpress.com (Blog Bahasa Indonesia) atau  en.wordpress.com (Blog in English Version)
  2. Isilah Form Pendaftaran Gratis (Blog Bahasa Indonesia)
    • Nama Pengguna : isilah nama blog yang Anda inginkan (paling sedikit 4 huruf/angka). Contoh : nusantaranews atau pemuda1989 [catatan: tidak boleh spasi, hanya boleh huruf dan angka]
    • Kata Sandi : pilih sandi/pin/password (paling sedikit 6 huruf/angka)
    • Konfirmasi : ketik kembali sandi/pin/password di atas
    • Email Address : isilah alamat email Anda (pastikan Anda memiliki email yang valid)
    • Legal flotsam : beri tanda centang padakotak yang tersedia sebagai tanda setuju dengan syarat dan ketentuan WordPress.
    • Beri tanda titik pada kotak tersedia “Berikan aku blog! (Seperti namauser.wordpress.com)”
  3. Pada bagian kiri bawah, klik Berikutnya
  4. Pada halaman selanjutnya, akan muncul tampilan
    • Nama Domain :
      • Jika nama usernya tepat, maka nama tersebut menjadi domain blog kamu.
        Misalnya yang dipilih adalah pemuda1989, maka domainnya adalah pemuda1989.wordpress.com
      • Jika nama usernya sudah digunakan oleh orang lain, maka akan muncul peringatan “Maaf, blog tersebut sudah ada!” .
        Maka ketiklah nama blog lainnya, lalu klik signup. Misalnya nusantaranews sudah digunakan, lalu gantilah/tambahkan frasa ku misalnya menjadi nusantara1989
    • Judul Blog : Anda dapat menggantikan Judul blog seperti Nusantaranews – Informasi, Fakta dan Opini
    • Bahasa : Pilihlah Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa yang akan Anda gunakan dalam menulis
    • Privasi : Pastikan ada tanda titik pada kotak (biasanya sudah ada secara otomatis).
  5. Klik Sign Up
  6. Dan pada halaman berikutnya, akan akan tampilan yang meminta Anda mengecek email untuk menyelesaikan proses registrasi ( Check Your Email to Complete Registration)
  7. Selanjutnya, bukalah email Anda, dan ada pesan yang masuk (biasanya cuman beberapa detik) dari WordPress. Pada pesan tersebut, kliklah link link yang berwarna biru
  8. Dengan mengklik link biru tersebut, berarti  Anda sudah memiliki blog pribadi. Selamat!
Cara Login WordPress
Sebelum Anda dapat menulis pertama-tama adalah Anda harus login dulu dengan account baru Anda. Misalnya account Anda adalah namaAnda.wordpress.com atau nusantaranews.wordpress.com, maka ada dua cara login:
  1. Bukalah http://namaAnda.wordpress.com/wp-login.php atau http://nusantaranews.wordpress.com/wp-login.php
    Ada dua kotak, pertama Masukkan nama user/pengguna Anda pada bagian atas dan isi kata sandi/pin/password Anda di kotak bagian bawah.
    Setelah itu, beberapa saat Anda akan melihat tampilan dalam/internal blog Anda.
  2. Cara kedua  (lebih lambat) adalah dengan masuk ke situs WordPress terlebih dahulu.
    1. Masuklah ke http://id.wordpress.com/
    2. Masukkanlah nama pengguna dan kata sandi
    3. Kliklah nama blog Anda tersebut, dan beberapa saat Anda akan melihat tampilan Blog Anda
Sekian tutorial cara membuat blog menggunakan wordpress ini. Selamat mencoba!

Cara Membuat Blog di Blogspot atau Blogger!

Blogspot atau Blogger
1. Apa itu Blog ? Blog merupakan sigkatan dari “Web log” adalah salah satu aplikasi web berupa tulisan-tulisan yang umum disebut sebagai posting pada halaman web. Tulisan-tulisan tersebut seringkali diurut dari yang terbaru dan diikuti oleh yang lama.
Awalnya, blog dibuat adalah sebagai catatan pribadi yang disimpan secara online, namun kini isi dari sebuah blog sangat bervariatif ada yang berisi tutorial ( contoh blog ini ), curhat, bisnis dan lain sebagainya. Secara umum, blog tidak ada bedanya dengan situs yang ada di internet. makeityourring diamond engagement rings
Flatform blog atau seringkali disebut juga dengan mesin blog dibuat sedemikian rupa oleh para designer blog agar mudah untuk digunakan. Dulu, untuk membuat aplikasi web diperlukan pengetahuan tentang pemrograman HTML, PHP, CSS dan lain sebagainya, dengan blog semuanya menjadi mudah semudah menyebut angka 1 2 3.

2. Cara membuat blog di blogspot Salah satu penyedia blog gratis yang cukup populer saat ini adalah  blogspot atau blogger, dimana ketika mendaptar adalah melalui situs blogger.com namun nama domain yang akan anda dapatkan adalah sub domain dari blogspot, contoh : tukang-kritik.blogspot.com
Kenapa harus membuat blog di blogger.com bukan pada situs penyedia blog lainnya? Sebenarnya tidak ada keharusan untuk membuat blog di blogger, namun ada banyak kelebihan yang dimiliki blogger di banding dengan penyedia blog lain. Beberapa contoh kelebihan blogspot di banding yang lain yaitu mudah dalam pengoperasian sehingga cocok untuk pemula, lebih leluasa dalam mengganti serta mengedit template sehingga tampilan blog anda akan lebih fresh karena hasil kreasi sendiri, custom domain atau anda dapat mengubah nama blog anda dengan nama domain sendiri misalkan http://tukang-kritik.blogspot.com/ di ubah menjadi tukangkritik.com, sedangkan hosting tetap menggunakan blogspot dan masih tetap gratis.
Perlu ditekankan dari awal bahwa internet itu sifatnya sangat dinamis, sehingga mungkin saja dalam beberapa waktu kedepan panduan membuat blog di blogspot ini akan sedikit berbeda dengan apa yang anda lihat di blogger.com
Untuk mengurangi hal yang tidak perlu di tulis, berikut cara membuat blogger di blogger.com

Membuat Email Salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi dalam membuat blog adalah anda memiliki alamat email yang masih aktif atau di gunakan. Jika anda belum mempunyai alamat email, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu di gmail karena blogger adalah salah satu layanan dari Google maka ketika mendaftar ke blogger sebaiknya gunakan email gmail. Jika anda belum paham bagaimana cara membuat email, silahkan gunakan mesin pencari google untuk mencari panduannya.

Daftar Blog di blogger
  1. Silahkan kunjungi situs http://www.blogger.com
  2. Setelah halaman pendaftaran terbuka, alihkan perhatian ke sebelah kanan atas, ubah bahasa ke Indonesia agar lebih mudah difahami. Silahkan langsung login dengan menggunakan username serta password gmail anda ( akun email anda bisa untuk login ke blogger). login blogger
  3. Klik tombol bertuliskan CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA. ciptakan blog anda
  4. Isilah nama judul blog serta alamat blog yang di inginkan. Ingat! dalam membuat alamat blog harus benar-benar serius karena itu permanen tidak dapat digantikan lagi (kecuali nanti ganti dengan custom domain). Jika alamat yang diinginkan ternyata tidak bisa digunakan, masukkan kembali alamat lain yang masih tersedia. Jika alamat blog yang diinginkan masih tersedia, silahkan klik anak panah bertuliskan LANJUTKAN. nama-blog
  5. Silahkan pilih template yang anda sukai ( template ini nanti bisa diubah lagi kapan saja anda mau), kemudian klik LANJUTKAN. pilih template di blogger
  6. Akan ada tulisan “Blog Anda Sudah Jadi!”. Silahkan lanjutkan dengan klik tombol MULAI BLOGGING. mulai blogging
  7. Setelah masuk post editor, silahkan isi apa saja ( disarankan untuk langsung mengisi posting, biasanya jika tidak langsung posting akan terjaring robot anti spam milik blogger, dan blog anda akan di lock). Contoh : hello world. Klik Tombol PRATINJAU untuk melihat tampilan yang nanti akan muncul di blog, klik tombol TERBITKAN ENTRI jika posting anda mau dipublikasikan ke publik. terbitkan entri
  8. Klik “Lihat Entri” untuk melihat blog anda. Berikut contoh tampilan blog yang tadi di buat. tampilan-blog
  9. Selesai.
Untuk tahap awal, blog anda sudah jadi dan bisa diakses dimana saja. Untuk pembahasan lebih dalam tentang bagaimana blogging dengan blogger, akan di bahas pada posting berikutnya.

Dikopas dari: http://kolom-tutorial.blogspot.com/2007/04/bikin-blog.html

Cara Membuat Tahu Yang Enak

Cara Membuat Tahu
Penasaran ingin membuat tahu sendiri juga setelah kemarin berhasil membuat tempe sendiri dirumah dikarenakan melambungnya juga harga tahu dipasar, akhirnya seperti dibawah ini beberapa tahapan cara membuat tahu yang enak sesuai dengan perasaan anda. Lebih hemat dan anda bisa belajar untuk hidangan keluarga anda dirumah.
Alat dan Bahan
  1. Kedelai
  2. Air
  3. Penggiling
  4. Kayu
  5. Alat Pencetak
Cara Membuat :
  1. Cuci Kedelai sampai bersih
  2. Kalau sudah bersih giling kedelai hingga halus.
  3. Kalau sudah hals kemudian rebus sampai mendidih.
  4. Kemudian tahu disaring di kain yang sudah disediakan.
  5. Kalau sudah disaring lalu di cetak di timbun dibatu yang besar agar tahunya menjadi keras / padat
Kemudian iris tahu sesuai dengan ukuran yang sudah disediakan. Selesai!

Cara Membuat Tempe

Cara Membuat Tempe

Cara membuat tempe itu mudah. Jangan belajar bisnis online aja, belajar juga cara membuat tempe sendiri. Bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat tempe sangat sederhana:

Kacang kedelai 2kg
Ragi tempe 1 sdm
Tepung Sagu/Tapioka 1 sdm

Cara membuat:
Rebus Air di panci, setelah mendidih angkat.
Masukan kacang kedelai kedalam panci yang berisi air mendidih tadi, diamkan sampai air hangat.
Kacang kedelai tadi di buang kulitnya, sampai bersih.

Rebus kacang kedelai sampai airnya mengeluarkan buih/empuk.
Buang air rebusan tadi sampai kering, lalu masukan kacang kedelai kewadah yang datar yang bawahnya dialasi kain/handuk kecil, biar meresap dan tempe cepat kering.
setelah kacang kedelai kering, pindahkan tempe ke wadah yang cekung/bowl. Masukan Ragi tempe dan tepung sagu sambil di aduk aduk dan tercampur rata. Masukan Tempe kedalam Plastik dan rapatkan ujung plastiknya. Tusuk tusuk Plastik dengan ujung pisau sebanyak 8 tusukan dan di baliknya 8 tusukan,untuk mendapatkan udara.

Setelah semua selesai masukan tempe ke dalam tempat yang hangat/kotak, tutup dengan kain/handuk kecil, jangan di buka buka kurang lebih selama 36 jam.

Ragi tempe dapat diperoleh di penjual kacang kedelai, ragi ini beda dengan ragi roti atau ragi tape.
Selamat mencoba membuat tempe!
Renaldy - Artis Cilik Yang Memilih Jadi Transgender!

Renaldy - Artis Cilik Yang Memilih Jadi Transgender!

Pencarian atas nama artis cilik Renaldy meningkat hari ini. Setelah ditelusuri, ternyata Renaldy adalah mantan artis cilik memilih jalan menjadi wanita alias memilih jalan sebagai transgender! Bahkan diakuinya selama ini dia telah terjebak dalam tubuh laki-laki yang sama sekali bukan dirinya!
Usut punya usut, Reynaldi ini adalah pembawa acara KRU CILIK (KRUCIL) SCTV yang ngetop pada pertengahan tahun 1990an. Tentunya saat itu tidak ada yang mengira bahwa Reynaldi akan mengalami perkembangan fisik dan psikologis seperti sekarang. hal itu diakui artis yang kini menyandang nama Dena Rachman ini sebagai hal yang tak mudah diungkapkan.
"It's a gradual phase. Saya selalu merasakan sesuatu yang berbeda sejak kecil. Katakanlah sejak lima tahun. I know it sounds so typical, tapi itulah yang aku rasakan. Tidak ada seorang pun yang benar-benar bisa merasakan apa yang aku rasakan. Let them talk!" ungkap Dena, sebagaimana dilansir dari Detik.
Artis yang dulu juga sempat muncul dalam film MISTERI GUNUNG MERAPI ini juga menegaskan bahwa semua ini bukan atas keinginannya. Awalnya, dia pun merasa benci dengan dirinya sendiri. Namun perlahan, dia pun mulai dapat menerima dirinya yang seperti ini.
"It's hard to describe. Awalnya merasa aneh, canggung, bersalah, bingung, marah dan kemudian datang ke fase dimana aku benci diriku sendiri. I hate my self so much and feel rejected. Aku mencoba bersikap normal, tapi aku tidak merasa nyaman, my body rejects. And at that time, my friends were feeling uncomfortable with me when I pretend to be normal. It's just ridiculous," ungkap artis kelahiran 30 Agustus 1987 tersebut. (kpl/ris)
Pembunuh Raafi - Polisi Tetapkan Tiga Tersangka

Pembunuh Raafi - Polisi Tetapkan Tiga Tersangka

Pembunuh Raafi
JAKARTA- Penyidik Polres Jakarta Selatan telah memeriksa tiga orang dalam kelompok Michael, atau kerap dipanggil Mike, selama 1x24 jam terkait penusukan siswa SMA Pangudi Luhur, Raafi Aga Winasya Benyamin. Tiga orang ini pun telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam pengeroyokan terhadap Raafi.
"Setelah seharian pemeriksaan intensif dan pada hari ini (23/11) tiga orang ini telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dan dilakukan penahanan, kaitannya kasus pengeroyokan atau pasal 170," kata Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Baharudin Djafar yang didampingi Kepala Polres Jakarta Selatan, Kombes Imam Sugianto dalam jumpa pers di Mapolres Jaksel, Jakarta, Rabu (23/11).
Baharudin menjelaskan tiga orang yang ditetapkan tersangka dalam pengeroyokan Raafi yaitu M alias T (27 tahun), FJ alias B (25 tahun) dan H (24 tahun). Ketiga orang ini ditangkap pada Selasa (22/11) lalu namun di tempat yang berbeda. M ditangkap di Jakarta Selatan, FJ ditangkap di Jakarta Utara dan H ditangkap di Jakarta Pusat.
Dalam pemeriksaan tersebut, ketiga orang ini telah memenuhi unsur dan bukti yang cukup untuk ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Mereka dikenakan pasal 170 juncto pasal 351 (3) KUHP. Sejak 23 November 2011, ketiga tersangka ini ditahan di Rutan Polres Jaksel.
Raafi tewas dengan luka tusuk di perut sebelah kiri di tempat hiburan Shy Rooftop, Jalan Kemang Raya, Jakarta Selatan, 5 November 2011 lalu. Raafi dan teman-temannya diserang kelompok Mike karena menyentilkan puntung rokok dan akhirnya terjadi kericuhan. selain Raafi, korban lain yaitu G, yang masih dirawat di rumah sakit.

Cara Menggunakan Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine
Cara menggunakan cheat engine, sebelum itu silahkan baca tentang apa itu cheat engine? Jika sudah, download cheat engine terbaru.
Cara menginstall cheat engine:

  1. Double klik file yang telah didownload
  2. Klik Next
  3. Pilih I accept the agreement, lalu klik Next
  4. Klik Next
  5. Klik Next
  6. Klik Next
  7. Pilih I do not want to install Nitro PDF Reader, lalu klik Next
  8. Klik Install dan tunngu beberapa saat
  9. Klik Next
  10. Pilih Don't Install Cheat Engine Toolbar, lalu klik Next
  11. Klik Finish
  12. Jika muncul pesan "Do you want to try out the tutorial?", pilih Yes jika Anda mau mengikuti tutorialnya atau pilih No jika Anda tidak mau mengikuti tutorialnya
  13. Tampilan awal cheat engine 6.1 (Oopz, sorry yang diatas tadi pake cheat engine 5.4 tapi secara penampilan sama sih)

Cara menggunakan cheat engine:

  1. Buka cheat engine yang telah diinstall
  2. Lihat game yang akan Anda cheat apakah ada di list cheat engine. Lihat list yang sudah ada disini.
  3. Jika game yang Anda maksud ada di list tersebut maka Anda harus download tablenya, table tersebut berekstensi .ct
  4. Klik File -> Load, lalu double klik table yang telah Anda download tadi
Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat video tutorial berikut:
Cheat Engine Terbaru

Cheat Engine Terbaru

Cheat engine terbaru, berikut ini adalah list updatenya:

Apa Itu Cheat Engine?

Cheat Engine
Apa Itu Cheat Engine adalah tool open source yang dirancang untuk memodifikasi game sehingga menjadi lebih mudah atau lebih sulit. Sederhananya, Cheat Engine adalah suatu program yang digunakan oleh para gamers untuk "mengakali" beberapa nilai dari permainan mereka seperti Cheat Uang, Cheat Level, Cheat Coin, Nyawa, HP, dan lain sebagainya. Jadi kalau anda sudah bosan memainkan suatu game atau pengen cepat-cepat naik level, ada baiknya anda mencoba menggunakan cheat engine.

Sebelumnya para gamers banyak menggunakan Cheat Engine versi lama seperti Cheat Engine 5.5 dan Cheat Engine 5.6, tapi kali ini saya ingin berbagi link download cheat engine 5.6.1 alias cheat engine terbaru saat ini. Jangan kuatir, cheat engine 5.6.1 ini bisa anda peroleh dengan gratis. Cheat Engine 5.6.1 adalah pengembangan dari cheat engine 5.6, jadi cheat engine ini sudah mengalami beberapa perbaikan dari versi sebelumnya sehingga diharapkan lebih baik untuk digunakan.

Cheat - Kumpluan Cheat Game Terbaru!

Kumpluan Cheat Game
Oopz, pada nyari cheat game terbaru ya! Tenang disini kamu bakal nemuin cheat game yang kamu cari, karna poting ini dibuat khusus untuk kumpulan cheat game terbaru!
Kumpulan cheat,
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  • cheat ninja saga
  • cheat pb (Point Blank) 
  • download cheat engine
  • cheat gta
Oke, smoga kumpulan cheat ini bermanfaat!
Jessica and Ashlee Simpson Do Dinner With Bronx in NYC

Jessica and Ashlee Simpson Do Dinner With Bronx in NYC

Jessica Simpson went to dinner in New York yesterday with her sister Ashlee Simpson and her nephew Bronx Wentz. Simpson clan gathered to eat together after a long day of meetings. Jessica earlier in the day to work in a clothing line as well as Ashlee and her mother, Tina. Ashlee and Tina, along with your photo on reflection, writing, "In a design studio working on new designs from" the girls were included in the Big Apple is focusing on fashion, and avoid pregnancy title Jessica Simpson, the early release of its next line for girls. Jess total silence on the status of your baby’s tummy, but there are many pregnant Hollywood stars would welcome a little before nine months before!
Meet The Dancing With The Stars' Cast Season 13!

Meet The Dancing With The Stars' Cast Season 13!

ABC has revealed the 12 celebrities set to Foxtrot way to win the coveted trophy Mirror Ball this fall on Dancing With the Stars, and boy, what a motley bunch they are.

DWTS Season 13 next Monday, September 19 at 8/7c, where the air opposite Fox Terra Nova / House, CBS 'two-hour block sitcom, NBC's Sing-Off, and The CW Gossip Girl / Hart, and Dixie. The results show is held every Tuesday at 9/8c Eurostars dozen or so announced it would hit the dance floor this season.:

Fall TV Promo: Castle Takes The Blame For Firing Beckett

Fall TV Promo: Castle Takes The Blame For Firing Beckett

Someone has to give Rick Nathan Fillion castle a big ol 'hug, because the mystery novelist usually happy-go-lucky bear the weight of the world - or at least to blame for the murder of Kate - on his shoulders Castle ABC started the season 4.

One of the first campaigns of the new period arrives Monday, Sept. 19 flashes back to the shocking season finale, before serving the clip into Premiere - including terrorism, we spoke some time ago, "Tween Rick and Kate's boyfriend Josh (played Victor Webster), very angry with Alexis, and a haunting voice flat-lining, like Rick admits, "It 'was my fault."

Two And A Half Men Taps Ex Judy Greer And Ashton Kutcher

Two And A Half Men Taps Ex Judy Greer And Ashton Kutcher

CBS Two and a Half Men is the introduction of the first skeleton in the closet of Ashton Kutcher.

Judy Greer, who co-starred in CBS 'short-lived Mad Love, has signed to play a recurring role of Bridget, the process of being ex-wife of Ashton Kutcher's character, the magazine TV Guide reported.

Kutcher joined the cast of the hit CBS sitcom this fall as an Internet billionaire named Walden crushed Schmidt, and Bridget is the source of despair. Loneliness Walden bought the house belonging to Charlie, who is now dead, and convinces his son Alan and Jake to stay in the house with him.

This is not the first time Greer men invade lawns. In 2007, he starred as Myra, a love for Charlie. It also marks a meeting of Greer and Ashton Kutcher. Greer starred in the ABC comedy Miss / guide, who was executive produced by Ashton Kutcher.

Evaluations: 2011 VMAs Attracting 12.4 Million Viewers Records Broken

Evaluations: 2011 VMAs Attracting 12.4 Million Viewers Records Broken

Holy [beep], qualifying for Sunday's Grand Prix 2011 MTV Video Music was huge.

According to data just released by the CUSS kudocast attracted 12.4 million viewers filled with a better history. The ceremony is also classified as MTV's highest-rated broadcast of all time.

In comparison, last year's VMAs drew spectators 11400000.

What do you account for the increase? Post your theories in the comments!

Dexter Exclusive: Jordana Spiro Is An Appointment With [spoiler]!

Dexter Exclusive: Jordana Spiro Is An Appointment With [spoiler]!

Jordana Spiro is channeling inside Dexter bad girl this fall.

TVLine just learned that my former student's son appears in several episodes of season six murderess drama as an acolyte, Colin Hanks, "Travis and Edward James Olmos," Gellar professor.

Since the theme of this cycle of religious Buzzy - and the fact that the kicker is, by definition, "a devoted follower or attendant ... assist in the realization of the liturgical rites" - which is safe to assume that these three are up to no good.

Spiro - who recently turned to the right of Harry NBC - made its debut at the end of Dexter Season 6, which launches Sunday, October 2 at 9/8c on Showtime.

Jason Veronica Mars' Joins The CW Ringer Dohring: Hot For Teacher?

Jason Veronica Mars' Joins The CW Ringer Dohring: Hot For Teacher?

Jason Dohring is coming back to his old haunt, CW.

Alum Veronica Mars landed on the ring network Buzzy new drama-thriller, reports EW.com.

Ringer stars Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire cons) as Bridget, a young woman assumes the identity problems of her twin sister Siobhan rich. Dohring will repeat Mr Carpenter, a school teacher in New York his stepdaughter attends high Siobhan.

Dohring, who recently guest-starred on CSI and Lie to Me, also has some connections Buffy-esque. He played a vampire in Moonlight CBS ephemeral and shared scenes with two other former Buffy - Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter - Veronica Mars.

The first bell CW Tuesday, September 13 at 9/8c, which carried out 90 210.

Kevin McKidd, Grey Anatomy Cristina Says, "he Wrote In A Box" - And Is Delighted

Kevin McKidd, Grey Anatomy Cristina Says, "he Wrote In A Box" - And Is Delighted

There are a number of ways in which the dilemma of abortion could play Christina in Grey's Anatomy this fall, but one thing seems fairly certain: If the pregnancy ends, their marriage is kaput Owen.

"It's a very good," the father of the baby portrait reasons, Kevin McKidd. "It's just a bump in the road, or is it a real block in their relationship? This is the first of the season."

The game early. As series creator Shonda Rhimes has recently revealed to TVLine is whether Cristina go through with abortion, said at the end of the season opening two-hour broadcast on Sept. 22.

McKidd recognizes that "the authors wrote Cristina in a little box," but added that is not necessarily a bad thing. "[T] he very juicy good happens when you go, 'OK, let's make this as hard as we can for this couple. They fought for all along with Teddy in Season 6 and PTSD, and now is like the slam, we will give the most difficult of all. "

"It just gives us the opportunity to tell a better story and a bigger story," says McKidd. "And it's really difficult. Montre network does not cover this topic of conversation on abortion. I think it's great that they are not skirting around it, leading the way in it."

Articles TVLine: Ab Fab Is Back, Badass New Promo SOA, Sheen Revealed Roasters And More

Articles TVLine: Ab Fab Is Back, Badass New Promo SOA, Sheen Revealed Roasters And More

Edina Monsoon and Patsy Stone are back - and we'll drink to that!

BBC America and the logo is to revive the cult comedy Absolutely Fabulous three new offerings, it was announced Monday. Ab Fab creator Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley reprise their roles as large and well watered above his girlfriend. So how does this happy news that you, my dear darling?

Ready for TV dish now more? Well ...

• A new Sons of Anarchy promo has hit the web, and if he had no hesitation on the development in the first quarter FX drama season Tuesday, Sept. 6, this should range in the right direction. As an added bonus: It 'full of a lot of Danny Trejo badassness.

One Tree Hill Scoop: Chad Michael Murray Returns! What About Hilarie Burton?

One Tree Hill Scoop: Chad Michael Murray Returns! What About Hilarie Burton?

One Tree Hill Lucas will be corrected before the new sign outside this spring.

Sources confirm that only TVLine Chad Michael Murray, has closed many of the returns during a presentation coming ninth and final season. He did not, however, accompanied by his wife on the screen Hilarie Burton (Peyton). According to sources, the actress - who is now a regular collar white - was not invited back.

To be honest, the producers did not ask Burton back to last season, and fell. "Frankly, we just can not handle," creator Mark Schwahn said TVLine time. "Hilarie now has a child and family, and he does a nice job [White Collar IS]"

Lucas was last seen driving into the sunset with Peyton Sawyer and her new baby. According to The CW, Lucas returns to Tree Hill after Haley (Bethany Joy Galeotti) is to help you.

Have The Closer Brenda Gabriel Snitch? Corey Reynolds Previews "Grand Final Bow

Have The Closer Brenda Gabriel Snitch? Corey Reynolds Previews "Grand Final Bow

The last time I listened to TNT The Closer (Mondays at 9/8c), Raydor came to suspect that someone in the ministry had told the plaintiff in the "Shootin 'Newton" process of change compromise between Brenda and Gabriel - the the crime, if desired. From select few people knew that Brenda had rejected the suggestion to postpone Gabriel stick around a gang murder rather inevitable, could have been Gabriel himself, acting from a position of guard revealing information?

TVLine spoke Closer veterinarian Corey Reynolds on this latest twist in what he calls the beginning of the procedural is the "grand finale".

Exclusive Video Embarrassing Jenna Away Mirrored Matty!

Exclusive Video Embarrassing Jenna Away Mirrored Matty!

You can only expect a girl to hang up as you keep ignoring her in public.

Tuesday Awkward (MTV, 11/10c), Jenna is finally fed up with the behavior and Matty, as you can see an exclusive preview clips below, makes the bold move that could "kill the type of relationship" with the little athlete.

But no matter how many strings along Matty sweet Jenna sarcastic secret make-outs and his refusal to commit publicly or privately, Beau Mirchoff think her character had a good heart.

"Matty is a really nice person," he said. "Maybe a little naive, but it's not a bad guy. Do not think I ever intentionally hurt Jenna." Hopefully Jenna has a forgiving heart.

Discover a look around and tell us if you are a Team or Team Matty says Jake. And stay tuned for more of our Mirchoff speak with a scoop on what is in front of a couple, and soon its use to screen bro!

Big Brother Recap: Creeping Heights

Big Brother Recap: Creeping Heights

Rachel always barked when the angels that Big Brother is full of snakes and snake behavior, I agree with her (woah!) and immediately drew up a table for each guest with a game of snakes. Zoobooks Readers unite! Rachel, who scored a monster Clairol boa that wraps the patience and life outside of his colleagues - even his own lover. Shelly finally shaken a snake out of his neck and let the venom spread. Sidewinder avoid lateral Kalia become a priority. Jordan is a coral snake, but powerful enough. Porsche waving a bridge dropkicking not worth it. And Adam - Oh, Adam - is a python overserved awaiting death in a window of Petsmart. Hisssss.

Snakes human chuckled and snapped as strange heads in the same hydra Sunday HOH episode. My God, loudness. Since it is not much to report the other parcel wiser than the Porsche win HOH beautiful (an impressive come-from-behind victory off hose in the yard games) and his decision to release Boxoption Pandora in the room HOH (who gave $ 5,000, but unfortunately the system reactivated former partner for a week, giving Rachel and Jordan a chance to survive inevitable Porsche applications together), let's look at the best quote of the episode and know screamy HGS when we tolerate especially at this crucial stage.

Jeff, in a conversation with Adam before the removal: "I'm tired of seeing [Shelly] by Skate."

Before entering the game HOH Big Brother revisited the confrontation between Jeff and Shelly that led to his dismissal on Thursday, double elimination night. Rachel Blabber Jeff Shelly said its planes of deception Cornhole, which made Jeff Shelly approach and yell at her. Oh, how it was fatal! When Jeff felt that Shelly had fallen on the side of Porsche and Kalia, he found his servant Adam and Shelly complained about weak game. Nice try, Jeff, but you can not make that time but gets worse, the most useless player ever entered Chenbot Manor. Adam "skate by" Elvis Stojko as regular! It becomes threefold axes and the land again in the hammock all week. Zambonis track is Jeff / Jordan! This is my main problem with Jeff and Jordan, which has had a stranglehold on the competition: I do not understand why others do not want to deceive them or default HGS.

Jordan: "Jeff has used the veto against the Porsche last time, so it's just that she used the veto to save Jeff right now."

Back to school: Is psychology does not mean girls? "Before Porsche subordinate, as a pawn in the system to catch Daniele clear. It must be recognized, of course!" Sorry, Regina George, but it is clear that Porsche had no reason for you and Jeff around, even if you think that is a valentine for you, eh, recognition of their existence. For a former winner of Big Brother, Jordan misunderstood standing association in the house.

Rachel, during the double eviction on Thursday night: "Of course, Kalia will put me on the block, she is afraid of me, of course Kalia will put Jeff on the block, she is afraid of him .."

Or are you both alliance shooting Kalia, and has the right to retaliate! Same thing! I really thought I was going to see Rachel align with Daniele, Desert Jeff and Jordan, and gain a new position and allow to cool in the household. Why am I disappointed? For all blathering Rachel, I like to think it can get smokescreen screamy and compete like a champion. But no: it is the construction of false motives, forcing tears when Jeff is eliminated, and deny his errors. Rachel, you could have been a contender strangely interesting in this phase of the game. Now you're just one surviving member of a dynasty in decay. Your brick-red braids fade in a fuchsia sad.

Kalia: "You know, Shelly This is not the real world?".

Shelly histrionics, which include the belief breathless to Jeff and Jordan, chest beating, and now feigned sorrow to destroy his "gift" of an alliance which is a bit tiring. I respect his social league game, but it loops, groans and spits when confronted. That's why I liked when Kalia - one of the new partners Shelly - reminded him of the silly, the ephemeral nature of "friendships" in the game, even if it was just delivering Shelly is ruined facade. Daniele both noticed how Rachel took the game personally, but it would have been equally right to call Shelly whining antics. It is as if Daniele is stoic spirit is officially entrenched in Kalia, although it is still difficult to love Kalia as a player. She is an intelligent woman, but an intuitive tactician. Guess which of these skills are best in the Big Brother house.

Jordan, Shelly, after removal of Jeff:? "I gave you af * cking house call [in the Cornhole game], but I wanted to talk to my family That's how I pay you lied! Lied all the time. All y'all, because you all want to continue Daniele thinks she is, like, the greatest! His season was four years ago, who gives af * ck her father is Dick? "

Again, the reasons why Jordan should support the small charity. Jordan Shelly did not give the phone call because he had not spoken with his daughter during the week? It admits that Jordan and a member of the family (or less) at home with her? Where is this resentment come from? It's like she refuses to understand how the Big Brother. Worse, it refuses to understand the privilege that he liked having a partner in the home of all. This couple is the only reason that remains in the game - which makes the second part of this quote, snipe Daniele based on Dick, as ridiculous. Remember, "The season was four years ago!" Estimates speak for themselves. I do not understand the roots of an association of law and madness that can not conceive of other players act independently. and do you really want to root for someone who makes a face: "I want to go home!" After her boyfriend leaves the house?

Were you so excited episode of Sunday, as I was? How will the provision of partnership is not in the gameplay of this week? Porsche has become the first challenger to win? What about Shelly? Rachel?

They are too busy to welcome that "good players in the game," promoting their own purity, and ignoring the numbers game that was sure to turn on them. Disconcerting. They refuse to accept that some players n 'have not, like Adam, but Adam's behavior is downright strange. It's like people act in movies popular high school! Carrie care of you.

MTV VMA 2011: Best And Worst Moments

MTV VMA 2011: Best And Worst Moments

Young, old, and in 2011 attended the MTV Video Music Awards in the fetus. The entourage is a trussed-up Tots paid tribute to Britney Spears' disturbing pelvic-centric dance steps. Oscar and Emmy award-winning octogenarian Cloris Leachman has been reduced by sharing the stage of Queens Jersey Shore *. And an astonishing cover-up reported Beyonce wore sandwich in the oven at the end of his skin, the retro performance of "Love on Top". (* Please tell me that I was not the only one whose brain refused to acknowledge the atrociously with Deena Rainbow comes to squawk of his mouth.)

Amid the emission of two and a half hours to honor the clips are not usually played on a channel that can do nothing but play music videos were authentic and said stitched in ridiculata atonal. So without further ado, let's have at best, worst, and the list of winners.


1) "Someone Like You" Adele: It 'night, with lots of pulp used for the background dancers and back-up, Adele shown that sometimes there is no stronger or harrowing star singer standing in front of the piano and singing his guts. In a word: Sublime.

2) Lady Gaga's "You and I": Justin Bieber looked like he was in shock, as Gaga, peak performance by man of the features that were part of Ray Romano and part The Fonz, a opened the show with a monologue about hiking emotional stress "his" superstar loves. But when she took the piano to deliver his ballad hit the most recent (with the Queen's Brian May), Gaga has reminded us that his musical chops deserve our attention - even if you do not want all "The Cauldron" shtick was removed 15 minutes into the television.

3) The young giant of "my body" does not even work most of the camera in the recent history of the live television could deflect attention from the fact that the California quintet delivered liveliest night, hard rock all (eke-ing of Kanye West and Jay-Z "Otis" by a nose).


1) Lil Wayne "performance": Why bother to deploy a song for a national television audience when two of the three words are dropped by the network censors? Lil Wayne as a persecuted the stage shirtless, his droopy black and white leopard leggings gives us a glimpse of blue boxer unwelcome memories, noise resulting sound stream as a poorly tuned radio station during a trip to the endless road hell. In my mind, I'm still trying to lock the door and throw my body in the fire Blacktop.

2) Katy Perry, trying too hard. As usual.

3) Chris Brown Medley: Do not follow the career path lipsyncing atrocious performance of Ashlee Simpson? If so, then why Chris Brown, his mouth kept moving out of time to the testing room in the sounds of "Yeah 3X" and "Beautiful People"? Certainly, his fickle "Running Man" and the change does not justify dragging trampoline dancers Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and the Wu Tang Clan "Protect Ya Neck" in the debacle?

Special Bonus irony: Tyler, the Creator, ending his speech for Best New Artist award with these words of inspiration: "For all the children to look, you can do that [beep] car [beep] to [beep] golf white. "

Trophies Handed Out During the Telecast
Best Pop Video: Britney Spears’ “Till the World Ends”
Best Rock Video: Foo Fighters’ “Walk”
Best Hip-Hop Video: Nicki Minaj’s “Super Bass”
Best Collaboration: Katy Perry and Kanye West’s “E.T.”
Best Male Video: Justin Bieber’s “U Smile”
Best New Artist: Tyler, the Creator
Best Female Video: Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”
Video of the Year: Katy Perry’s “Firework”

What did you think of the 2011 VMAs? Any best or worst moments that I missed? Sound off below, and for all my TV commentary
Hot Video: Good Promo Addictive New Wife

Hot Video: Good Promo Addictive New Wife

Dear wife of the fans, now just 40 days after the first Season 3, the new night ventilation is acclaimed CBS drama: Sunday, September 25, at 9/8c. Need a 40-second lap, and tide you over?

promotion of the CBS, with Florence and dream-slash-obsessive coverage of the machine by Robert Palmer "Addicted to Love" sums up Peter began to graze and Kalinda be addressed with a few harsh words, and then launches into clips the new season, including a brief exchange between Alice and Eli, glimpses of the Will and Diane, and Ms. Florrick intense investigation in the room.

See the promo here and click comments to share your thoughts on the new season (or at least "new Alicia, because it is probably inevitable).
Emmy 2011: What Wins Best Miniseries Or Movie? Participate In The Poll!

Emmy 2011: What Wins Best Miniseries Or Movie? Participate In The Poll!

A controversial film, a reimagining of the 1940 Oscar nomination, a dramatization of the U.S. financial crisis, a piece of the British period, an adaptation of a popular novel history, a fictionalized account of the genesis of the First Nation " reality "series will fight for the Emmy for miniseries or TV movie special.

But which of these various television deserves top marks in the Emmys are awarded Sept.18? Take our poll below to vote for your favorite - vote TVLine closes September 10th so act now! - Then press the comments to justify your choice!

Tomorrow we will release another "must win" poll Emmy, and then re TVLine.com to influence who is most worthy of the highest honors in television, and stay abreast of all our careers
Exclusive: True Blood Vampire Castle Dimensions

Exclusive: True Blood Vampire Castle Dimensions

True Blood Vampire Castle Dimensions

True Blood Jessica Tuck vamp is temporarily retract their fangs at a place called Castle TVLine ABC has learned exclusively.

The actor will be a wealthy benefactor of the museum, which is suspected of the murder trial. This is the same episode that features the murder of Kristin Lehman as an art insurance investigator and a potential interest in the thirst for detective rated by Nathan Fillion.

Like Fillion, Tuck got his first big break acting on one life to live. Although the two never appeared on the soap at the same time, their characters were half-brothers by Viki.

The fourth season of the castle starts Sept. 19 on ABC at 10/9c.

Community Sneak Peek Video: John Dean Goodman Says Wassup "

Community Sneak Peek Video: John Dean Goodman Says Wassup "

John Goodman arrived at Greendale, and brought his great deep voice and frighten him.

As seen in this first teaser for Season 3 of NBC's comedy as Goodman - as Robert Dean Laybourne, chief of air conditioning repair Greendale school known nationally - are butt heads quite literally Dean Pelton ( played by the recently promoted Jim Rash regular series, rocking a slightly different look this fall).

The Emmy and Golden Globe winner Goodman is preparing to make his debut in the Community in the Season 3 Premiere, published on Thursday, September 22 at 8/7c. As mentioned earlier, Michael Kenneth Williams The Wire has also signed for the year in a youth program "very intense", the new teacher.

Rizzoli And Isles Scoop: General Hospital Cast And Beauty (killer?) Mama Dance

Rizzoli And Isles Scoop: General Hospital Cast And Beauty (killer?) Mama Dance

Rizzoli & Isles Scoop

Rizzoli & Isles TNT will have a fatal "dance moms" this season with an episode that killed the mother of a dancer backstage.

Released as a prime suspect, Lisa LoCicero learned is TVLine alias General Hospital Olivia Falconeri.

For the episode of "Do not stop Dancing Girl" will be released in December, LoCicero Yvonne Smith, a woman whose daughter is involved in a hot dance competition. Where this occurs looming beyond the curtains, Yvonne land squarely in the sights of Rizzoli.

In addition to his four-year series of GH, Locicero The television credits include appearances on Chuck (such as a wedding planner}, Bones, and without a trace.

Currently airing Mondays at 10/9c, Rizzoli is a series of basic cable drama is the most watched, averaging 8.8 million weekly viewers. Airs at the end of summer September 12, with the balance of the season two games to slow down from November 28.

* Enjoy A Thief Bully Mark Sheppard, "The Great" Summer Finale (* We Fight For You Here)

* Enjoy A Thief Bully Mark Sheppard, "The Great" Summer Finale (* We Fight For You Here)

Like a bad penny - even if Mark Sheppard argue that the characterization! - Jim Sterling is back on TNT this Sunday at 9/8c leverage. The wrinkle this time: instead of attacking piracy or the last prank Nate, the pound sterling commissions, wanting it to keep something of value in the wrong hands.

Adjusting the bite Grand is a chess tournament in Dubai, where Nate checks company, after all the work companion Parker to infiltrate a security system, even if deprived of its best assets. However, Sterling is secretly playing the band as pawns? TVLine spoke very reluctant spoiler, born in London Sheppard about his role in the final mid-season drama.

TVLINE | We are here, four seasons ... Do you back when you started that Sterling would be repeated so long?

Curiously, yes. It may seem strange to say this, but the circumstances in which I participated in the leverage was so wonderful. There was a phone call, an investigation of my availability, there was no audience .... I was on my way back from a motorcycle rally in Sturgis [South Dakota], and they were like, "Well, you start to Thursday!" He was a character that was created, in essence, thinking of me, so it was fantastic. I walked all the [third episode of the series] "two work horses" and had never known [executive producer] Dean [Devlin] and he's like, "Pleasure to meet you - Want to play English or Irish" I'm like, "It will be fun" I was very protective of the pound sterling, and I always had this sense, the first scene? Significantly shot - at the end of "two horses" when Nate pounds at home - there was a huge background between them.

TVLINE | Law, you almost feel that Nate Sterling needs in his life, Nate needs of the pound. One needs the other to coexist.

Therefore, it resonates with viewers, and that's what I like to play. Tim [Hutton] and I have a very interesting relationship, as Nate and Sterling, and it's a mutual respect and total distrust! [Laughs] And yet, there is a total confidence in what they can trust each other completely. We know very well. It seems to be terribly painful for the people for the people around them, but ... [Laughs]

TVLINE | Sterling is like the proverbial bad penny.

No, it's good! This is what the kids get hurt. Sterling is good. I am the hero cool! It's just that everyone hates me. It is true that you can not play as a villain - "Oh, it's bad" - but his form is absolutely parallel to the [team Nate] - are quite parallel - which I think is fascinating.

TVLINE |. Tee up for this Sunday's episode "Gambit" Nate crew is hired by, of all people, the British pound?

What is so surprising? What's so special about that, please. Sterling is well aware of the capabilities of the team, and Sterling is the crisis of the moment. And 'to rotate some of the procedures, which means they usually do his job, that's one of the well-known communities, who know how to handle the situation. Who better to go than Nate?

TVLINE | Yes, but if I'm Nate, I do not take the job. I smell a rat.

Noooo .... What is the problem here? There is something fishy.

TVLINE | So what is this "Keep my enemies closer"?

It is not an enemy. Sterling is not an enemy. This is something to do - and there is some element of leverage to play, then there is a reason why they do it. If you think this way is simply, "Do not shoot the messenger." Nate knows that it is law, so if I needed anything is what you need and there is plenty of suspicion. [Co-creator of leverage John] Rogers said: "As for the pound sterling and Nate in competition, each of them admit that the others come second." I am the person who Nate is probably the least afraid of that trade.

TVLINE | Can we see a new side to Sterling in this episode?

Who knows? Maybe. If we start playing with this [question], we have to start playing a show. You know, I got my name from the credits in these programs often deliberately to protect the fact that there is something to reveal. The first question that [John] Rogers, "We are taking my name?" He said, "No." Are we to say that I'm back? "Of course!" So we do it big for a change. I will say this: it's a great episode, an episode extremely simple, and goes a long way to explain much of what is happening with the characters, so I think fans of leverage really, really like this. I remember reading the script and said: "It will be very good." And finally, working with [director Jonathan] Frakes after so many years ....

TVLINE | As a final summer, how about this episode ends noted, adds a new wrinkle on Nate / Sterling relationship?

I definitely did not say anything about it! [Laughs] And 'mid-season [end], you know, that will be revealed. This is a great episode, and you can say that ignored the history of the characters. Most people would change the characters to open up their relationship, but instead, they reveal more and more pieces. And the actress, who is great to play with.

And what I liked about this show is that instead of having to become friends or we kill each other, something ridiculously useless, all you have done is keep the same characters and droplets showed how they got there.

He and my father [William Morgan Sheppard] collaborated with [Star Trek] Next Generation, so I walk around the set and says, "Ah, less talent and Sheppards ...", which made me laugh. He is so fun to play.

Men Of A Certain Age, Resigns To Find New Home: "We've Reached The End Of The Road"

Men Of A Certain Age, Resigns To Find New Home: "We've Reached The End Of The Road"

About six weeks after the cancellation of TNT, and after signing the petition to raise more than 6,000 and 10,000 more in love "to save the men of a certain age," Facebook page, the patrons of the comedy drama forty given up their efforts to find a new home series.

Letter to the fans, co-creator Mike Royce wrote:

Unfortunately, there was nothing to report. And at this stage, because we want to be right, yes, I must tell you that there are a few 'down the road. A difficult question, but it's true.

If you can think of the network, we call them. The men of a certain age, of course, does not actually belong to certain networks. But we called them. We called everyone. We tried to online, satellite, producing alternative content, sponsorship, TV Taxi, filmstrips ... everything. We used every opportunity and then some.

I certainly hope - in fact, naively expecting a different result. I thought someone pick us up. Ray and I firmly believe that there are places where MOAC is not only excellent, but running a household. But we could not persuade others to see that. And at some point, you have to move on.

Of course, a miracle could still happen in some way. Please do not "against" [Facebook] page or sign the petition. It's always nice to be able to show the world how much you care about the show.

I can never thank you enough for all. Many of you have your asses Help us find the home screen. To see the support continue to pour in these weeks and weeks later is truly amazing.

It is also difficult to express how grateful we are 200 people who made the incredibly talented + show. The cast and crew not only the best, but it is a pleasure to come to work every day.

And we also want to thank TNT. I know that it is natural to look like, "They're the ones that wiped out", but a more accurate view is: "They are the ones you wear." Seriously thought, that looks like a life of three to 50 years had been on television at all in these times is a miracle. It should not be, but it is. On top of that TNT has given us a rare opportunity to show the way we wanted.

The end result is, we are proud of the work, proud of the critical response, and especially proud of the show seems to secure a place deep in the hearts of people, which is not always achieved. As some of you, we feel 'as we have lost a friend. But the good news is that 22 episodes live. They also end up in a good place (if it is too early).

So think of us does not show, but canceled a "mini-series for the event."

Because really, it is our greatest hope: If you are a fan, turn it on others. We want to live. Hey, for better or worse, tells us that the notes there are many people who have not seen the men of a certain age. We hope they check it.

Thank you, and is on the hill.
Are you ready to say goodbye to the man of a certain age? Were you counting on a different network to offer a home?
Emmys 2011: What Should Win The Show Comedy Series?

Emmys 2011: What Should Win The Show Comedy Series?

The last three series to mark the Emmy for comedy series - The Office (2006), 30 Rock (2007-2009) and Modern Family (2010) - are all vying for the top prize in 2011. To add another check mark in the column to win, but will have to fight for the nominees for the first time the theory of Big Bang and Parks and Recreation, and Glee (previously called in 2010).

What sitcom deserves top honors at the Emmy Awards are given Sept.18? Take our poll below to vote for your favorite - vote closes TVLine September 10 to act! - Then press comments to justify your choice!

Tomorrow we will start another "Who will win the" Emmy survey, then return to TVLine.com to influence who is most worthy of honors over the television, and keep up to speed on all of our racing
Family Plots Vet Love Triangle With Buffy, And A Baby-Bumpin 'Season 3 Promo

Family Plots Vet Love Triangle With Buffy, And A Baby-Bumpin 'Season 3 Promo

But what about Crosby?

DB Woodside - which is probably best known as Sunnydale High on Buffy major badass against vampires - has commissioned a five-episode arc on NBC this fall Parenthood as a love for Jasmine.

TVLine confirmed that the actor - most recently seen on The CW Hellcats and also known by the 24 presidential elections, will play Joseph Prestidge, an Ivy League-educated doctor who is interested in, Joy Bryant is the beauty of dance.

The new deal - first reported by The Hollywood Reporter - advice, of course, at the end of happyish jasmine and Crosby in the final season 2 does not necessarily lead to a rock solid meeting. However, given the limited scope of the arc invited to Woodside - starting with the third episode of this cycle - we assume that there is nothing more than an adventure.

NBC also has released the first promo for Season 3 of births, and Kristina, thanks to a jump in time, it seems very preggo. Take a look below and do not miss the first Tuesday, September 13 at 10/9c.
Ryan Reynolds And Sandra Bullock Get Together For The Fox Animated Comedy

Ryan Reynolds And Sandra Bullock Get Together For The Fox Animated Comedy

Ryan Reynolds And Sandra Bullock

Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock together on the small screen.

Proposal co-stars lend their voices opportunities animated Fox series, and then there was Gordon, who had written to Mr Reynolds and Allan Loeb, the reports of the time.

The project is a normal child prodigy with several brothers. Bullock is in talks to voice the role of the brilliant boy, but the neurotic mother.

Gordon received only an order from Fox, but had to go to the series, Bullock also serves as executive producer.

Reynolds will perform their dual roles as executive producers of the series through its television company and Darkfire express a character.

Leah Remini To Confirm His Exit Speech, Says Holly Robinson Peete, "is Not Heard Nothing Yet"

Leah Remini To Confirm His Exit Speech, Says Holly Robinson Peete, "is Not Heard Nothing Yet"

Leah Remini

It's official: Leah Remini not return to the talk this fall.

The actress has confirmed this outspokenness has been widely reported in recent weeks, CBS has refused to invite her back to the second season of the talk show.

"I'm sorry to say that I was not asked to return to the show", announced via Twitter Remini. "We apologize to my fans. U worked so hard, I love u guys. "The former King of Queens star added that" no reason was given "for his sudden eviction gabfest.

As for the rumors that Holly Robinson Peete has also received start-up has revealed that the actress of her co-host "has not heard anything yet," but still has his full support. "Holly, I have enjoyed working with you," she wrote. "You are the real deal ... a moment."

Nikki Finke Deadline reported Thursday that there is talk of moving to replace the two women, first with her mother Kris Jenner Kardashian acting roundtable. Conservative radio personality says Sheryl Underwood to join too.

Hurricane Irene Threatens Requests One Tree Hill, Other Shows To Stop Production

Hurricane Irene Threatens Requests One Tree Hill, Other Shows To Stop Production

Hurricane Irene Threatens Requests One Tree Hill, Other Shows To Stop Production

As One Tree Hill met with a hurricane in its imitation long career, a mega storm real life is something they would rather avoid. Therefore, the CW series stopped production in its final season in anticipation of Hurricane Irene from the East Coast weekend.

"As a preventive measure and for our team and the actors, the production of One Tree Hill closed today [Saturday] because of Hurricane Irene," a representative for the show tells the Hollywood Reporter. " We will continue to monitor the situation in the coming days. "

Strong winds: Excerpts TVLine episodes for most hurricanes (Note, Irene)

Tree Hill Sophia Bush spoke on Thursday of development, Tweet, "All of our fans in town, you can stay inside, we would not shoot .. Stay safe," Bush Beau real life and teammate Austin OTH Nichols was a sense of Twitter a joke: "Can not wait to dance with this great woman named Irene."

Even if the downtime of production is only a precautionary measure, it is likely, which could end in a necessity: Hurricane Irene is expected to land in the North Carolina barrier islands Saturday - not too far from where the first shooting time soap Wilmington.

Production is a New York-based reality series hoarders and the house clean is halted until Monday because of Irene.

Ninth and final season of One Tree Hill debuted on the CW in the middle of the season.